At a crucial period when he needs them most, Man has been deprived of the very qualities upon which his future survival depends. Specifically, the qualities of leadership. Thus L. Ron Hubbard delivered this immortal message, a lecture he considered so important he had copies distributed to every auditor on Earth. As he details each of the attributes that together define leadership, he articulates an inherent responsibility. Read More
Where a society is composed of people who are capable of bringing order into their affairs and into the society, into their groups, we of course have a stable society. We don’t have a chaos.
The only thing there capable of bringing order, the individual, is made capable of bringing order by Scientology. —L. Ron Hubbard
For centuries on this planet, generation after generation lived according to a regular and predictable pattern. Then, in relatively recent times, a sudden and swift advance in Man’s technology shifted cultural values, changing and quickening the rhythm of life. Whereas much was gained in terms of material benefits, something finer and ultimately far more important was lost:
The individual.
Hence, at a crucial period when he needs them most, Man has been deprived of the very qualities upon which his future survival depends. Specifically, the qualities of leadership.
Thus L. Ron Hubbard delivered this immortal message, a lecture he considered so important he had copies distributed to every auditor on the planet. As he details each of the attributes that together define leadership, he articulates an inherent responsibility.
Here, then, is the means for every Scientologist, achieving its hallmark qualities, to provide the leadership Man so urgently needs.